... in Dallas with the Langbeins. (yes, we've been back for a week, but here are some hi-lights from the trip).
Visiting Nonny at her office.
I tried to explain to Bennet the historical importance of this 12 year long tradition, but all I could do was eat queso!

Bennet finally got to meet Kristin.
We even got to see Lori! Thanks for the shades!
Bennet and I slept "late" (it's in quotes because it is false)
Ummm....and where's the picture with her buddy Annie.....
Looks like y'all had a great time! I'm so glad. She sure is cute...and growing fast!!!
that Bennet has some good faces. I like the giggly face and the face of absolute and utter terror (see Mavericks game photo)
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