Monday, October 18, 2010

Mustang Donuts

Most of you are aware of my donut snobery. I am very picky about donuts- i laugh at you Krispy Kreme. I am known to get hostile if I come across a KK or store bought donut.

Luckily, the best donut place in the world is close to where i grew up and even closer to where I went to college. My dad and I spent many a Saturday morning going to get donuts at Mustang. Yes, we often dressed alike for the occasion- and why not, i ask you.

On our last trip to Dallas, I recruited Bennet into this Saturday morning ritual. Yes they gave her free donut holes (score!) and yes, I won the trivia question and got a free glazed donut (double score!) and yes, the donuts were still warm (triple score!). Her first visit could not have been more of a success. And I have a feeling she now shares my passion for Mustang Donuts.