Friday, November 12, 2010

Halloween Extravaganza

Q: What do you get when you have a lot of dressed up babies (all of whom are too young for trick-or-treating) and parents who are lacking a social outlet?

A: You get The Lee's First Annual Halloween Extravaganza!!!
aka: somewhat organized chaos

Here is a look at our playroom (also called, the room with no furniture)

Yes, the box tunnel from was the biggest hit of the night. Go figure!

On the Children's Menu:
puffs (organic, of course)
animal crackers
homemade pumpkin baby food
The Party People:
(first halloweens for Noah, Bennet, and Cooper)

Is Cooper dressed up as a skeleton, or Johnny- the mean guy from The Karate Kid?
I guess we can only guess his true artistic intentions.

Even sweet Adeline made the party as a kitty cat!

Bennet and Sarah Grace rocked their "heads" long enough to get a pic or two.
All in all, I think Bennet loved her first Halloween.
Who doesn't love dressing up like their best friend?

A big thank you to Jim and his candy-handing-out capabilities!

And since the "basset hound" costume was already taken, Ida went as a pumpkin... matching her friend Megan!

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