Monday, May 19, 2008

New York Double Header

The past two weekends, I flew back to NYC to see Bryant. The first weekend was pretty busy. I got in late Friday night, worked Saturday, and flew out Sunday. Please meet my Northwest Airlines buddy... apparently he thought there was something wrong with the left philangee.

This past weekend was a little more enjoyable. Bryant finished his first year of law school on Thursday!!! He is officially a 2L! I arrived Thursday night and we had all day Friday to hang out. It was the raining, so we went to see "What Happens in Vegas." Then, I put him to work. "Hey, congrats on finishing your exams... now put of some curtains!" After a year in our new apartment, curtains went up this weekend. I put Bryant on a plane to Houston on Saturday and he started work this morning! So much for downtime.
I flew back to Detroit on Sunday (the airport is only an hour from Toledo). The Detroit Airport is undergoing a major renovation project--- and I was lucky enough to fly into the new terminal. I would like to know the mastermind behind this "tunnel 'o crazy" though. Please note that I did not get cell service in here and nobody else seemed bothered by the random music and laser light show. Total creeps!

1 comment:

Hillary Kouba said...

that is pretty creepy! I hope my kids never act like that on a plane...that's my biggest fear!!