Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hill Country

Hill Country BBQ is down on 26th St. and quite the phenomenon... especially for Texans living in NYC. They actually have their oak shipped in from Texas--- Texas Post Oak for the smokin' of brisket, sausage, ribs, etc (all for sale by the pound and served on butcher paper). Other major Texas authenticities include pecan pie, Lone Star Beer, and BLUE BELL ICE CREAM!!! They love showing Texas football and often have some great Austin bands performing on their stage.

Our Fellowship Group with Redeemer Pres. had its weekly meeting here a couple of weeks ago. What better way to priase God than through Texas BBQ!? Please meet our friends (most of whom hail from Texas)... the Miceks, the Bolliers, the Hawkins, the Whitfords, and us. Please note that baby Jack goes with the Whitfords... he was passed around most of the evening... but he is definately the youngest member of our group- we are SO multi-generational.


Anonymous said...

I was reading your blog, and will try to send you a note.
Do I take it that you are temted to get a small sack of nuts each time you pass the nut stand?
Well I know about temtation, every night after the news he creaps into the den and shouts "Time for Blue Bell homemade vanilla with chocolate syrup all over it". This has resulted in having to move to a 38 waist in pants. Been a 36 since 44 yo.
Been working a couple of weeks clearing up some of the trails through the woods. I realized they had grown up on our history ride. This resulted in needing to burn all the limbs and trash removed in the project. The good news bad news was that after a week of burning the trash, the trash fire started a bad forest fire. Had to call the fire dept to put it out. (They informed me that a fire band was put up that morning)Bad Bad PawPaw. The good news is that after our three inch rain this week the grass will come out nice and green.
Spent all day geting everything ready to leave next Wednesday for the big International Chili Cook-Off at Terlingua on November 1,2008. Can't waite to get on road again in the motorhome.
Hope you get this.

Anonymous said...

I was reading your blog, and will try to send you a note.
Do I take it that you are temted to get a small sack of nuts each time you pass the nut stand?
Well I know about temtation, every night after the news he creaps into the den and shouts "Time for Blue Bell homemade vanilla with chocolate syrup all over it". This has resulted in having to move to a 38 waist in pants. Been a 36 since 44 yo.
Been working a couple of weeks clearing up some of the trails through the woods. I realized they had grown up on our history ride. This resulted in needing to burn all the limbs and trash removed in the project. The good news bad news was that after a week of burning the trash, the trash fire started a bad forest fire. Had to call the fire dept to put it out. (They informed me that a fire band was put up that morning)Bad Bad PawPaw. The good news is that after our three inch rain this week the grass will come out nice and green.
Spent all day geting everything ready to leave next Wednesday for the big International Chili Cook-Off at Terlingua on November 1,2008. Can't waite to get on road again in the motorhome.
Hope you get this.