Friday, June 13, 2008

O-why-O-why-O did i ever leave Ohio?

Yes, it is true... my stint with the Toledo Opera has come to a close.

First, please let me introduce to you the amazing family that sheltered and fed me during my time in Toledo. Phyllis and Ford Cauffiel have one of the most beautiful houses I have ever seen, and they let me invade their back apartment for two months. And also provided me with a Wii and Guitar Hero--- I might have been a little spoiled!
Ford was my movie buddy. I almost met my match in 'how many movies one can watch in a day.' Ford is also quite the social butterfly. He knows just about everyone in Toledo and always loves great conversation! Phyllis was my caretaker! She is an absolute joy and always has a smile on her face. She landscapes her entire grounds and has the most beautiful array of flowers and plants... even cactus. She also feeds the neighborhood birds and 'marmots'... so I was lucky enough to spot a gopher or two, bunny rabbits, cardinals, a hawk, blue jays, and ducks galore! The final 2 members of the Cauffiel clan are Sunshine and Darwin. Darwin is a parrot who never quite warmed up to me. But he did greet me daily with a "good morning," and if I arrived home and forgot to say hi, I would often get a very sassy "ummmm, HELLLLOOO?" Ford and Darwin are best buddies! Sunshine was my dog away from home, and she rules the house. She mainly sleeps on top of the breakfast table, and she can sniff out a tube of lipstick from across Toledo. Here Sunshine is modeling her "Doggles" that she wears when riding in Phyllis's roadster.
And that brings us to my last point of fascination with the Cauffiel Clan. One of their biggest passions is for antique cars. They always kept 4 or 5 at home in the garage, but they also have a private museum in town. David (the tenor) and I got a private tour of their collection and it was so amazing! They have everything from a Duesenberg to a "titty pink" T-Bird to a Model A Ford Coupe. I learned so much about cars while I was there--- and even got to experience the acquiring (through auction) of their newest addition, a Desoto Airstream.

So, when I was not watching movies with Ford (who i convinced to be a Netflix-er by the way) or chit-chatting with Phyllis... I sang a little. Here are a few pictures of what kept the Toledo Young Artists busy most of the time. Jenny the Soprano and David the Tenor are both now living in New York City--- we just can't get enough of each other!
So, after ten weeks, I have collected a few "must sees" of Toledo, Ohio.

1. The Cauffiel Car Museum
2. The Toledo Art Museum (thanks to Sara Zimmer Cordell's 'nana' for the tour)
3. The Toledo Glass Museum... very cool!
5. The Libbey Glass Factory outlet


AL said...

now i know why you left ohio no more y-o-y-o-y-o

Anonymous said...

I want to live with Ford and Phyllis! They sound amazing! I love the wave from the car. Hope all is going well in Houston. We are headed to Laura Ross' wedding tomorrow. Can't wait to see you in Houston in a month! -kcholton

Unknown said...

I don't know what to say. I just found this blog. Ford is my dad. I live in FL. Phyllis is amazing, she runs that house with precision. I am so proud of them!