Monday, July 28, 2008

Memo from the CPO

As the CPO = Chief Picture Officer of this blogging operation, I feel it is my duty to update you on the following change in equipment.
Well, I have recently had the need for yet another camera upgrade. It seems my last Olympus does not sustain blunt trauma very well. While a few tears were shed, I have been blessed with a new, and improved, Olympus Stylus 1010. It has got a few more features like face detection, panoramic pictures, and a few more mega-pixels. It think it is almost my friend... we had some bonding time most of the day on Saturday. So, as avid readers, I thought you all would like to know where most of your documentation is coming from.
And for those of you who are wondering... yes, it still fits in my holster!

1 comment:

AL said...

wow fancy pants