Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Introductions All Around

I suppose that any good story begins with the introduction of the main players to the audience. I also suppose that this story should be no different. Without further adieu, here are brief biographical sketches of the folks whose lives will be chronicled in this award-winning blog.

Bryant is a student. He is a law student. He is also a CPA. Clearly, this is one wild and crazy guy! Do not set out on the town with Bryant if you cannot keep up with the best of them. Seriously, though. He is a funny guy. At least his wife laughs at him. Sometimes. Originally from Houston, Bryant graduated from Texas A&M (Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2002) and worked for an accounting firm in Dallas and New York for four years. This past summer Bryant fled his dangerous and exciting life as an accountant to begin his exotic and adventurous life as a law student! He is now a 1L at Columbia and a true believer in the stress and anxiety of which everyone warned him. Right now he is in Houston hustling for a summer job and desperately hoping that someone deigns to hire him and defray the high cost of his legal education. Good luck!

Bryant is married (luckily) to the beautiful and talented Sarah.

Sarah is a starving artist. That is a fairly ironic label given that she works for a restaurant in midtown Manhattan. Clearly, she should be eating more of her product. Or at least bringing it home for her husband. Originally from Dallas, Sarah graduated from Southern Methodist University (Fightin' Chi Omega Pledge Class of 1999) and earned her Master's degree from the Manhattan School of Music in 2004. Sarah has graced the stage and shared her voice with audiences in Dallas, Ft. Worth, and New York. This spring she is planning to travel to (Holy) Toledo, Ohio, for a program with an opera company. As most of her operatic roles thus far have paid her solely in experience (tax free, of course) she is currently pursuing a PhD in waitressing. Now, if she would only bring home more steak and mashed potatoes!

Bryant and Sarah have a dog. That dog is Ida.

Ida is a basset hound. The world revolves around her. Or so she thinks. She eats. She sleeps. She demands walks. But not long walks. She has short legs.

Happy New Year! Here's to 2008.

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