Monday, January 14, 2008

Rock Band

This weekend I was introduced to the video game sensation called Rock Band ( At the risk of sounding dramatic... I think it has changed my life. Bryant's brother David has the entire set-up in his apartment and I thought about breaking and entering a few times just touch up my drum solos.

There are 3 members to every band... the singer, the drummer, and the guitarist. The singer is judged on pitch accuracy and rhythm. The drummer has to hit the given drums at the given time and is also in charge of that pesky bass drum. The guitarist is given the notes to play and when to strum (just like the original game "Guitar Hero"). As a group you need to stay together and try as hard as you can not to get booed of the stage.

My friend Stacy Mitchell even joined us one night--- and I must admit that she has got some serious Rock Band skills.

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