Thursday, February 7, 2008


My friend Tyler Ozanne recently (December) visited us in NYC for a fun, festive, winter weekend. We spent Saturday searching for "the hamburger joint" which turned out to be a tourist trap rather than a "best kept secret." After lunch at a great Italian restaurant, Tyler and I were walking down 57th Street and stumbled upon the Steinway Piano Showroom. Whether or not we were allowed in is still unclear, but we entered with purpose and nobody stopped us. We were amazed to find 2 stories and several "ballrooms" filled with $30,000-$100,000 Steinway pianos. It was pretty awesome! Since many of the pianos were worth more than cars, Tyler decided to give them each a test drive---- and please note that he knows how to play one, and only one, song on the piano... and yes, it is from his first grade piano recital. Please enjoy the following performance by M. Tyler Ozanne on his $70,000 Steinway.

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