Friday, February 15, 2008


There is a phenomenon sweeping NYC called ZIPCAR! It is totally genius! This is a car rental program where the cars are parked on the street or in local garages--- usually within 1 block of where you are. You can reserve cars by the hour if you need to go around town or by the day. Once you reserve your car, you have a "zipcard" that you scan to get into the car. In the car are keys and a gas card. So the car is yours, gas is on them, and so is insurance. When you are finished, you just leave the car where you found it. Totes easy!

So on Saturday, Bryant and I tried out our zipcard and our zipcar. We picked up the car one block away from our apartment, drove to Sam's Club in New Jersey, stocked up, drove home, and parked the car where we found it. Major score! It is really nice to know that you can get out of the city if you need to. Whoever invented ZIPCAR is a genius!

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