Monday, February 11, 2008

Well Where's Miss Ida???

For those of you that might be dying for an Ida update... this is for you. The weather here has not been the best for basset hounds lately. Lots of rain last week and now it is 14 degrees outside. So, sadly, walkies have been few and far between. But thank goodness Ida likes sleeping just as much as she likes being outside. Thursday was our first outing after a few days of rain and sleep. Needless to say she was very excited to be on a W-A-L-K to the P-A-R-K.


AL said...

Just Calm Down Ida!

AL said...

why do i have to type a word code to leave a comment?
and what the heck does cuffk mean?

Hillary Kouba said...

That is the fastest basset hound I have ever seen! I love keeping up with you in NY!